
京都伏見区桃山のコズモズ塾の外国人先生と生徒は大成功 ファミリー英会話へようこそ~他の教室とはちょっと違った学校です。派手な広告には頼らず、英語教育のトップである誇りと生徒の満足度を武器にしています。その裏には利益を作るためだけの会社として設立されていないからです。私たちはKozmoz Japanの一部として設立され、地元の地域をサポートしていくための会社です。

Kozmozは関西で初めてのフードバンクを築き、運営し、関西のお隣さんが食料に困っていないために働いています。私たちは孤児、老人、片親そしてホームレスを支援していることです。 Kozmozは日本で5千万トン以上の食料を今まで配布してきました。自然災害の時にも支援をしており、地震と自然災害の際にはいくつもいくつもトラックいっぱい分の食料を配布してきました。



コズモズ関西会長とFamily English英会話先生のワイエトはボランティア活動と英会話は一緒に頑張ってる社長も何十年ものビジネス経験をビジネスクラスで分かち合ってくれます。彼はKozmoz Japanの福祉活動を見守るだけでなく、ファミリー英会話のビジネスクラスを担当しています。何故30年間以上も幅広い経験を持っている人が福祉活動と英語を教えている?それは本当に大事なことだと思っているから。日本はもうもはや島国ではないです。日本で起こること全世界に影響を及ぼします。そしてもちろん、ヨーロッパ、アメリカとアジアで起こることは私たちにも影響あります。中国の経済成長から中国語を勉強した方が利益あると感じる人も少なからずいますが、それは現実から程遠いです。英語はビジネスの言葉であり、世界の共通語であります。毎日、毎日全世界の国々が英語を利用して自国の文化と製品を輸出しています。

Kozmoz NY Cafe Kyoto スタッフのDaishundaは本場なデリーサンドを作りました!コズモズではアメリカ人が運営しているカフェでアメリカの美味しいメニューを楽しみ、子供が好きな先生と一緒に楽しいキッズクラス、自分のペースでゆっくり楽しく英語を学んで行きたいクラス、ビジネス経験のある人による本番のビジネスクラス、ネイティヴの先生による中学、高校のクラスと様々な楽しみがいっぱい!定休日がなく、10時から21時までの長い営業時間内であなたの忙しいスケジュールに合うクラスが必ずあります!是非一度体験レッスンを電話で予約し、明るい未来への第一歩を今踏み出そう!




京都伏見区桃山のコズモズ塾の外国人先生と生徒は大成功 Welcome to Family English Schools, and yes we are a little different kind of school. We dont rely on flashy advertisements, we rely on our satisfied students and our reputation as the finest in English education.That is because we were not founded just to make a profit. We were founded as part of a group called Kozmoz Japan to support our local communities.

Kozmoz founded and operate the first Food Bank in Kansai and works to make sure our less fortunate neighbors are taken care of. That means we support orphans, grandmas, grandpas, single mothers, young families and homeless people. In fact the Kozmoz Food Bank has distributed more than 1/2 million kilograms of nutritions food to our less fortunate neighbors hear in Japan. Of course, Kozmoz also responds during national disasters and we have provided many many truckloads of aid during earthquakes and natural disasters.


All of the teachers at Kozmoz volunteer their time to provide funds to provide this support for the communities where Kozmoz works. That doesnt mean that your teacher is not qualified. To the contrary, the quality and experience of Family English School teachers is phenomenal. These are people that care about their communities, so you can be confident that they care about you and your dreams. Most of the teachers are native English speakers that were raised in Japan. That means they understand your culture and world and the difficulties you have in learning English. That is becuase they are both native English speakers and went to the same schools as you did and had to take the same English classes that you had to. The truley understand just how counter-intuitive that your teacher's explanations often were;)

コズモズ関西会長とFamily English英会話先生のワイエトはボランティア活動と英会話は一緒に頑張ってるOur founder brings years of business experience to our business classes. He not only oversees the welfare activities of Kozmoz Japan, he oversees the business English and support services at Family English. You might ask yourself why someone with  more than 30 years of experience in business, design, architecture and welfare would volunteer to teach English. That is because he thinks it is that important. We dont live on an island anymore. And everything we do affects the world, and everything that happens in Europe, North America, and Asia affects us too. Some feel that the rise of China's economy means that perhaps learning Chinese would be more valuable. But that could not be further from the truth. English is the language of business, and it is the language of world culture as countries from all over the world export their culture and this big ball we live on becomes smaller and smaller daily…

Kozmoz NY Cafe Kyoto スタッフのDaishundaは本場なデリーサンドを作りました!At Kozmoz you can enjoy a western menu in our authentic New York Coffee Shop staffed by Americans, enjoyable kids classes taught by teachers that love kids, enjoyable converstation classes for people that just want learn at their own pace, business classes taught by business people, and junior high and high school classes taught by native english speakers that actually went to Japanese schools and had to study for the same tests that you do! And with classes 7 days a week from 10 am to 9 pm, there is a class that fits your busy schedule. Call for a free taiken lesson today and take your first step in preparing for our future.


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